Lost and Found
What you can do if you have lost or found a petLost Your Pet? – Get Help With SPCA
What can you do if you discover your pet is missing? It can be a terrible and gut-wrenching experience – you call for your pet and he or she is nowhere to be found. You need calm down, get help and start searching immediately.
Tips On Finding Your Missing Pet
Here are some tips you can follow if you have a missing pet:
1. Secure and search your property thoroughly – pets can get into strange places.
- Make sure your pet is not in the house, garden, drains or anywhere on your property.
- Look inside drainpipes, under empty flowerpots and up trees and rooftops.
- Some cats like to sleep under cars or scramble into the space between the top of the tyre and the engine.
- Make sure your pet is not trapped or has been bitten by a snake and is unable to come to you.
2. Start looking for your pet outside your property as soon as possible.
- Search around your neighbourhood by foot – your pet might be at some place it knows.
- Bring a photo of your pet and ask your neighbours if they have seen it.
- Bring another pet with you, if you have more than one. If you have a dog, it may be able to help coax your runaway dog back.
- Bring their favourite toy or food to entice them, or use to call them.
3. Get friends and relatives to help – the more people out looking for your missing pet, the better.
- Call the people who know your pet and let them know your pet is missing.
- Spread the word on your social media, such as Facebook and let your friends know.
- Do not hesitate to let shop owners or people around your neighbourhood know. Most people will willingly help.
4. Start posting flyers with your pet’s photo and your contact number as soon as possible.
- Post your flyers in your neighbourhood, pet shops, convenience stores and anywhere you can.
- Include details like the date and place the pet was lost, breed, age, sex, weight, colour and your contact details.
- Do not put down your name or address on the flyer – Beware of scams.
5. Make use of your telephone immediately.
- Call your local municipal council to check if they have been rounding up strays – you need to call them fast as they may put down any strays they catch.
- Call your local vet to see if they have your pet – perhaps your pet has been found or have had an accident.
- Call your local radio station and ask for their help, if this is not against their policy.
- Call your local newspaper and ask if they have a Lost & Found print section.
Many pet experts and animal organizations recommend that you act fast, in a methodical way and enlist help to find your pet. If you pet is not found immediately, keep taking action!
- Expand your search.
- Keep asking around your neighbourhood.
- Keep posting your flyers.
- Keep enlisting your friends’ help.
- Check with local authorities and animal welfare organizations.
- Do not give up.
The first 24 hours is often crucial but do not give up hope!
Pets have been known to find their way back home after being lost for several months.