SPCA Prevention Booth: Kim Fung Night Market

In April 2014, we held our SPCA Prevention Booth at Kim Fung Night Market and the response was heart-warming. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks for the donations and cages that were sponsored by our generous supporters. All the sponsored items and donations will be put to good use.

So a Big Thank You for all your support and generosity!

We also wish to thank our SPCA members who manned the booth and our volunteers who committed their time and energy. For 5 hours each evening, you came and gave your all to a cause that is close to all our hearts.

SPCA SDK Kim Fung Night Market April 2014

Venue: Kim Fung Night Market Event

SPCA Prevention Booth was held on 24th and 25th April 2014 from 5.00pm to 9.30 pm at Kim Fung Night Market. The purpose of our SPCA Prevention Booth is to connect with the public to let them understand more about animal rights. At the same time, those who wish to donate or sponsor equipment for our animal shelter so that we can carry our mission is most welcomed.

If you wish to volunteer at our events, you are always welcomed. You can come to our future events, contact us through this website or our SPCA Sandakan Facebook page.

SPCA Prevention Booth April 2014

Let us open up our hearts to do something that money cannot buy for those innocent lovely stray animals, save them from sickness, suffering, hunger, abused or tortured. Let us join together to give them a better tomorrow.
Thank you for your support.